I’m not in a state to write but I wanted to make the most of my time alive… I’ve uploaded one of my moodboards here along with the footnotes. The moon is like a gemstone, a jewel or perhaps the Sky’s Pearl… it’s radiant but not sparkly like diamonds, I personally love it, if you’ll go through the “notes” you’ll understand why… I believe it is very enigmatic, mysterious and at the same time - deceptive (again, you can refer to the notes later on) It depends if the moon 🌙 wants to mock you, entrance you or reveal some hidden secrets, it entirely depends on whether it likes you enough, just like some stones, a waxing moon has to suit you the way they do and it is entirely based on its whim… it can influence your life for good or bad and if you don’t believe me, ask the sea, it can influence the tidal waves too. We are also made up of salt and water… You can go and take a peek at the moon, see if it shares an affinity with you, if it hides away behind a cloud then it probably does, it simply means it’s feeling shy, just make sure as soon as it’s out, you wink at it in order to befriend it.
P.S. I miss looking out of the window, I can barely walk and when I do, I end up hiding behind the curtain, I’m not some beautiful moon… I miss being around people I miss seeing life but a lot of men are very intimidating and hostile, they believe you have no right to live if you are “ugly” as a female, women thy name should’ve been pretty, we should have been considered beautiful by default, being called gorgeous is our birthright but they don’t see all girls as pretty, they are shamelessly “realistic” or too phlegmatic, they either rudely turn away their gaze (which is humiliating, it’s a blatant unequivocal form of calling us impotent, it’s like a blotch to womanhood) or they give you that scornful glare to make sure you are aware of the fact that you had too much audacity to displease them. They are too frigid & stern… for your tender heart and delicate emotional state. Although it should be the other way round but we never said it www.lilacnights.com/post/lila-zara - it does make me feel we are a bit weak & vulnerable, we should have been very assertive right from the start. That’s my moodboard, I was making lots of them in “20 to do away with the pandemic
Czar 𝒵ℒ.
Additional Notes: Here’s another coincidence, I was just thinking about the Moon 🌙 as a symbol cuz I have in depth knowledge about all these things, in short it’s a very mystical sign, it stands for deception (due to its various phases where one side is hidden) and it also symbolises duality, which means it surfaces your fears as well as desires both, simultaneously when the darkness of the night drapes you, it exposes your deepest secrets under its soft pale light, it reflects another’s light ie. the sun so it also mirrors it which means it can be associated with soulmates or twin souls as well & it also stands for - Psychics, because they have a strong subconscious mind with Extra Sensory Perception, the subconscious mind is the most active and in fact primarily dominant at night when we are asleep, it makes us dream… some numerologist had calculated my birthdate and said I am entirely ruled by the Moon and coincidentally some online portal suggested me a pet name which was nothing but “Moonchild Luna”, that eventually gave birth to Luna’s character and her poem which is in my first book, in the next one I’ll be sharing an uncanny mysterious, cryptic dream where I’m gonna give people a glimpse of her again, I had that dream when I was 12 and I’ve had several riddling dreams like Hatim (it’s a famous folklore) When I was thinking about being a Moonchild and how I’m ruled by the moon, I saw it was coincidentally 11:11 in the clock, my birthdate is 29th which sums up to 11 and even if you add up my month and year it will still sum up to 11 which stands for intuitive powers and the fact that a person is ruled by the moon… and I was thinking about it exactly at 11:11 which is nothing but 2+9 = 11 & 2+9+3+1+9+9+5 = 11 hence 11:11