Referring to the pic below: Didn’t add any filter cuz I wanted to point out something - It looks lilac in the pics but it’s actually violet in real life (also smaller than most normal hair dryers, I didn’t want anything bulky, just handy or mini) I had kept all those other purple violet things long ago & I had not purchased this dryer back then, however today when I went there to keep it inside the drawer, I noticed that it was in the same shade as the cream jar (the one with the wooden lid) the purple soap packets & the pumice stone. They all look so matching, it’s as if they belong together, even when I was hanging my head wrap, the coral colour was perfectly in sync with the border behind which primarily has the same coral shade… some things just effortlessly blend in like that, I’ve had such instances several times before… almost everyday and I just thought I’ll share it. It simply means, I’m on the right track… it has so much synchronicity, I always buy or create or do some or the other thing which blends with the rest of my stuff or phase of life like a perfect piece of puzzle… I always have matching lyrics playing in the background too, its like I get a thought and 2 seconds later the lyrics of whatever song I’m listening to… say the exact same thing, I’ve shared about it in my book and it’s not because I listen to sad music when I’m sad or I get “moody” & all, in fact I prefer upbeat songs when I’m feeling down so it doesn’t have anything to do with my situation. The bottom line is, we all eventually end up where we belong, amongst our “own people”, our tribe, the ones who match our vibes… just like these things.
The hairdryer looked lilac in the images but it was violet in real life… and it was a bit plasticky so I was initially doubtful about my choice but then to my surprise when I went to keep it, it matched with everything else in that drawer and I wondered if “it was meant to be there”… I had my heart set on the white and gold blowdryer which had several different attachments and a beautiful nozzle in a contrasting shade, it was for 2-3k but this one matched everything… the white one was out of stock back then and I felt like maybe if it’s aligning with everything then like I said it’s meant to be there and it’s the best for “me” and I was right… I went through the reviews of the white dryer, turns out the lot that they’d received was all damaged and defective, that is exactly why they had to take down the listing from everywhere, it wasn’t “out of stock” and even the golden part was peeling off for some people, they couldn’t return it due to hygiene purpose… unfortunately it was like dumping 3000/- in the drain. We should all believe in such “coincidences” and keep some faith, someone might have our best interests at heart
It’s all predestined by God & other arcane powers, you just need have complete faith in them… I was always an agnostic, even as a child I was more into actual physics than metaphysics so I always questioned God’s existence but at the some point, I also wanted to believe in something more powerful than you and me, in order to avoid megalomania or despotism, like the extremely nihilistic Scientology culture… it’s modern day Wicca except for the 5 pointed pentacle (which denotes the five elements that they worship) and rituals, dark arts or shamanistic concoctions, it’s all the same, instead of five, they worship three elements - Water, Air & Soil, I think in Wiccan societies they would worship the Sun, Moon, Air, Water & Earth. They don’t believe in human relations or earthly ties, they don’t believe in God or religions, they do have a hierarchy and the one ascended to the top is their “God”, their alternative off grid religion preaches that you, yourself are God and the whole world is in the palm of your hands, furthermore it also lures you into cutting ties with your near and dear ones so that you would embrace nihilism and completely surrender to “natural laws”. Like most other cults they are a group of people who simply want to enforce stringent rules & compulsions, they have a strong hold or influence on all those who are vulnerable in the name of “independent living” & empirical approaches, they claim they solely believe in “facts” not fiction although I believe the entire universe is a grand conspiratorial spectacle.
They had managed to ensnare a well known celebrity who was forced to end his marriage & he wasn’t even allowed to see his newborn daughter, she would miss him a lot and keep asking about him. His ex wife tried “getting in touch” with his “manager” but by then he had already developed OCD so he would refuse to accept that he even had a daughter in the first place and he’d ask his manager to threaten and take down all those tabloid articles which would mention the same; people went to the extent of assuming he is gay. Years later… he walked out of there and told everyone that he deeply regrets it and that no one should ever do such things, he missed his daughter’s childhood years which will never come back. I feel people should understand how they are perceived by other normal people when they come up such restrictions, being a celebrity doesn’t give you the right to treat others as untouchable underlings, it doesn’t mean you can’t associate or communicate with them even when it’s imperative or necessary, it shouldn’t make you insensitive. They are trapped in their own abiding beliefs & thoughts so such an extent that it makes them incapable of living a normal healthy sane life, in fact THEY WON’T even help you if you are dying -ask me; but yeah on second thoughts you can’t expect anything else from them, celebs are highly conceited expedient creatures, they don’t even spare their own family members for additional luck… (I had read some piece on that long ago) I don’t think they are born with nobility in their blood or character, their whole life is consumed by narcissism and greed, they have a constant undying need for validation, approval, adulation & undue fame and recognition which is scorned upon by the rest of the world. In fact television & media is one of the main reasons why we are all suffering today, our lives are predominantly influenced by them and they never deter to promulgate anything toxic or wrong irrespective of how it is going to affect people. I donot wish to associate with “celebrities” in any manner especially after getting bed ridden with an incapacitating chronic illness & several neurological problems, I keep having convulsions now and HE is still extremely insensitive so there’s no hope, ironically most celebs believe they are everywhere or “ubiquitous”, on every hoarding, every front page but the fact is they simply don’t exist.
Your “existence” is meaningless without your presence just as your body without a warm heart.
I noticed something more today, the trinket tray which I’d taken long ago before renovating my bathroom (I had no plans of renovating it that soon) I realised that it has “Honey Bunny” written on it, I had already taken a Milk & Honey soap bar & a moisturiser from the same range ie. honey it is right next to my trinket tray now, I was looking for mini toiletries for my hotel inspired bathroom and I desperately took what was available & it also turned out to be a Honey moussant body wash from l’occitane (special edition) and everything over there now has a “honey” theme, it wasn’t contrived at all, it was completely unintentional. Haha I got a matching set of golden nail cutter & clipper for 299/- to match my golden scissors and everything else which is in gold but I never collected those “honey” items intentionally… for those of you who thought the premier carton was looking very odd there, I got a matching transparent tissue paper box with golden trims to go with my white & gold theme, I’m not sure if it’s acrylic or glass.
Zara Sauleh